One Up On Wall Street book: Chapter 14

Hello friends, in today’s article we see the one up on wall street book chapter 14. In this book, chapter 14 is fully discussed the company that you are chosen by giving some story to them. In this book chapter 14 of one up on wall street, we see that story is perfectly running or not by rechecking the story. (One Up On Wall Street book)

How to recheck the story:-One Up On Wall Street book

1. Read quarterly reports regularly:

  • You have to check every quarterly company story by checking quarterly reports. So what you think about the company before investing in that and now after the quarterly report is the same thing is remains same or not.
  • And also check the earning is increase or not. the company store, people are visit or not and their product sale is increasing or decreasing. And also the loyalty of product is increase or remain same. (One Up On Wall Street book)
  • For understanding, this concept author gives the example of The limited company.
  • the limited company has 670 stores in the USA, in total store in the USA is about 700. So the company is spread all over the country. so explant the business of the company is there no space for traditional strategy.
  • So if a company want to expand they need the innovative idea to expand. So in that time as an investor, you have to take the exit from this company if the company nothing to do to expand. (One Up On Wall Street book)
  • The author gives another example of a company i.e. Mcdonald’s.
  • Mcdonald’s expand itself in innovative ways, they never stop to expand and increase their profit. When Mcdonald’s spread all over the USA, then they try to found the different or innovative way to make a profit, for example, is dining, breakfast and try to spread in a foreign country. so the company takes the decad of year to spread all over the world. and they also open home delivery. So this type of innovative idea uses to increase profit and spread the company. (One Up On Wall Street book)
  • Another example is the Texas Air company.
  • Texas Air company is when the author found they are in bad condition and after that, they come to the good condition. For this type of company, you have to check the story behind this miracle situation.
  • If any company is bad in fast and now is good, is that not means that this company is not going again bad condition. So for this, you have to check the company story continuously, and always the company in tracking.
  • And don’t become the emotional fool, if the company is good and stay better.
  • So Texas Air is a company that buys the continental company and they do continental company as a turnaround. (One Up On Wall Street book)
  • So the continental company is the low-cost carrier company. So Texas Air company also acquire the Eastern company. And they try to turnaround this company also. But they don’t do, because increase the customer complaints and also the employee union problem. So author also ignores this problem, but they realize this problem.
  • then the author says, they make here two mistakes, 1) Eastern company is becoming turnaround by trying Texas Air company but they don’t realize the employee problem and also their union problem. and 2) Ignore the Delta airline company, When eastern company performance is not good then that time Delta perform a very good job, so whatever the loss of the eastern company, that benefit the Delta airline company. (One Up On Wall Street book)
  • So Delta airline is the major competitor of the eastern company. So those people travel by the Delta and eastern company, they know the problem of the company and also the which one is good or bad.
  • So that people can understand which company gives the perfect investment return.

So this is all about rechecking the story of the company. So if you find the company and make the company analysis and make investment and also you have to focus on that company. I know this is a boring job, for that warren buffet says,” Investing is simple but not easy.” So people can bethink about how much company have in our portfolio, for this Peter Lync says, ” Put that much company in your portfolio, like how many children you have in your family.”

Previous chapter

making an investment is the other part following that company is the important part. So this is all about the rechecking story of the company.

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