Beginner books on stock market in 2025

Beginner books on stock market in 2025

Hello friends, in today’s article we see Stock Market Beginner books that’s help you to become a successful investor. so let’s see one by one.

Warren Buffett Rules of Investing

Stock Market Books:-beginner books on stock market 2025

In this, there are so many books, available to get knowledge about the stock market. Some of these books is for those people, who want to be investors, not a trader. This book helps you to become a Value Investor.

Because, the richest person in the world, in investing is a value investor, if you want to be that rich, then you should follow this book to make you very very wealthy as a value investor.

Value investing is the best strategy to beat most other investment strategies, because, value investing is all about buying a business at a lower price.

In Benjamin Graham’s words, ( Dean of Value Investing) ” Buying a dollar, at 40 cents or 50 cents”

so guys, in my opinion, the following books are the of the best books to become a value investor, I learned a lot, from some of the book, summaries I post on this blog also. so let’ start

1) One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch:-beginner books on stock market

beginner books on stock market

This is one of the best books ever written on market, without any accounting language or big meaning. This book is very well written in clear English. In short, words say, if you read this book in front of 11 years kids, they will understand the what is the stocks market.(beginner books on stock market)

so this book is very very good for those who want to start an investor journey. In this book, each and every chapter is summarized on this website. so go and check it out. link:- Click here

now let’s see the second book, which also helps you to understand the Stock market’s basic psychology

2) Stocks to Riches By Parag Parikh:-beginner books on stock market

beginner books on stock market

Stocks to riches book is one of the best books to understand Investor behavior. This book helps you to avoid the mistakes that most investors do in the market, with emotion.

This book is a very easy and logical book on Investing. if you read this book then you get how value investors like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Philip A. Fisher, Mohnish Pabrai, Seth Klarman, Guy Spier, etc play their insight game of investing and avoid the big mistakes in the market.

Hey, friend, if you are very much serious about the stock market, and making a lot of losses, then this book is for you. I definitely say, after reading this book, you almost avoid 99% of mistakes, that you doing before.

If you want to read this book’s summaries in chapter-wise, you can read this on this website. Link:- click here

let’s see the third most important book, to understand the business, and owing stocks is like owning a piece of business. so let’s see

3) The Dhandho Investor by Mohnish Pabrai:-

beginner books on stock market The Dhandho Investor is one of the books to understand the business, and easily find out the what is the worth of business.

This is book one of the best books on learning Value investing, and Analysis stocks, that’s going multi-bagger. Mohnish Pabrai is the Fund Manager, they Manage Pabrai, fund, in short, he says, about himself is that, he is the shameless cloner. (beginner books on stock market 2025)

And He clones the whole value investing game i.e. that’s come is compounding game. so I will talk very much about this author, but let’s understand what in this book,

This book, helps you to understand, there is a Low-risk High return strategy, and understanding the simple business, then you can bet heavily when winning points in your favor.

This book also talks about the intrinsic value of a business, with the Discounted Cash Flow method. so guys, if you want to learn about how business, works, and what mindset businessman have in that distressing situation, this book, give the university knowledge about the distressed business, with Calculated risks, that give the multi-multi-bagger return.

If you want to read the summaries chapter wise, you can read on this blog, Link:- Click here

now let’s see another book, that helps you to identify and analyze the Growth Stocks

4) Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip A. fisher:-

This is one of the rare books on analysis stocks. Warren Buffet also says, “I am 15% Philip A. Fisher and 85% Benjamin Graham.”

This means, whatever the wealth warren buffet generate, that’s 15% credits he gives to Philip A. Fisher, the author of this book,

so let’s see what in this book, first of all in this book, you learn the what is the growth company is, and growth companies are very rare, to find it out is very hard work.

In this book, the author gives the 15 points of the wonderful company, so you can easily identify this is the company that’s changed my life. (beginner books on the stock market 2025)

friends, in my opinion, everyone should read this book, to understand the what is the analysis of stocks, and what are the dividends psychology, and how retain investors react to Dividend, and investing in growth compnay.

If you want to read each and every chapter summary, you can read this on the website, link:- Click here

let’s see another best book on investing, that’ beginner can read,

5) A Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C Bogle

This is one of the best books ever written on Index investing. those who don’t know about the index, for those,

The index is the list of companies that are big enough ( blue chip), so you can invest in the index means, you are investing in all these companies, let’s examples of the index fund is S & P 500 index fund, In India, Nifty, Sensex, etc.

In this book, the author explains, how know-nothing investors can beat highly professional investors with the help of Index Investing. John C. Bogle was the first investor, that gives the Index Investing strategy. He is the father of Index Investing.

On Index fund performance, warren Buffett also bets on the Index vs with the highly professional fund manager for 10 years times period.

Guess what, the best is won by warren Buffett, you can read this Millionaire Bet:- Click here

so from bets, the point is that we can get the awesome return from the Index investing, you can read more in this book on the index, buy this book from the above image link.

there are so many books available as a beginner Investor, but I read above these books, I think this book, everyone should read to get a basic idea of investing.


Most of the people thin, how many books we see read as beginner, in my opinion, at least you should read 10 best on any area to learn basic of that area. (beginner books on the stock market 2025)

so remaining books, I will also update with this post.

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