Problem Solving In Life

Problem Solving In Life by using Rule of Inversion

How to solve the biggest problem in life?

Hello friends, I am Laxman, today’s in this article we see Problem Solving In Life by using the rule of Inversion and the great investors’ Charlie Munger give this rule, they mostly use in their life.

The problem solver rule is RULE OF INVERSION. These rules are the simple rule that anyone can use in there are to solve the biggest problems in life.


Rule of inversion:- Problem Solving

According to this rule, for anything that looks like a problem the simple way to solve the problem is to reverse the problem. When you reverse the problem you get them the reason for the problem. (Problem Solving in life)

when you get the main reason for the problem. then you can easily solve the problem. let’s understand with Examples.


How to become rich:

this is the problem then use our rule to get a solution for this problem. how to go broke. when you get the reason behind the go broke then you understand the formulae by using your common sense, then you focus on the which things that let me go towards broke. (Problem Solving in life)

Then you have to avoid that thing so you can solve the problem like the following sentence to avoid getting rich. 

  •  spend more save less
  • buy things that you do not need
  • Buy things to impress other
  • doing only one income source
  • Invest in unknown business
  • Starting a business with maximum investment
  • Taking the high risk of money
  • Taking credit card lone


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2. How to become Successful: This is the problem of every person and this rule also helpful in this problem also just reverses the problem. let’s begin, How to become a failure.

when you get the reason for failure then you have to avoid that failure reason to become successful, following some examples that become a reason for the failure and you have to avoid them (Problem Solving In Life)

  • Fear
  • criticism
  • laziness
  • negative behavior
  • lack of skill
  • add your own point in a comment

This rule can solve the biggest problem in life by just reversing the problem.