Blockchain Technology Investment

Hello friends, in today’s article we see the Blockchain Technology Investment in form of Computer science and understand the basics and their goals.

We see in the previous article, that the main goal of making a bitcoin is to remove the Bank to make payments person to person. to complete this goal, one system is developed in that system blockchain used.

Read this article to understand better.

Blockchain Technology Investment

Blockchain Basics

Blockchain Technology Investment Goal:-

In this article, we see Blockchain in computer science opinion.

Software System:-

to Implement any software system, many have two ways

  1. Centralized
  2. Decentralized

In a centralized system, one single component controls the whole system.

In a decentralized system, no one control and every component are equal & corporate between them.

Every software must have Integrity, which means the system developed for that purpose work like that.

the system, keep data that are correct and complete, no other person, can’t interfere

Integrity is a very important thing for any software system. (Blockchain Technology Investment)

If the system doesn’t have integrity then, data may go, behave weirdly or any outsider can steal private data.

Up to now, we have learned, that the software system has two types

  1. Centralized
  2. Decentralized

and any software maintains integrity is very important

In a centralized system, maintaining integrity is easy. Because central components control all components.

But in a Decentralized or Peer to Peer system maintaining integrity is very difficult and there is no other center Patry.

In peer to peer system, anyone can join or leave it, so we don’t know, how much they are worthy of belief.

So to maintain peer-to-peer system integrity use Blockchain.

Blockchain is a way to do basic work.

so the question here is

Why are this peoples excited about Blockchain?

To understand, this we have to look blockchain timeline.

In Past, Firstly there is only cassettes to listen to songs, then comes the DVD/CD

But, Nowadays, all ends, now you can download music or stream online and listen to music and also you can share mp3 files with your friend this system started with the Napster Company

Napster is Peer to Peer ( P2P) music-sharing Internet Software.

So this company brings the revolution, by cutting off middlemen. Previously, music studio was mighty in the music industry.

Because, this studio, distribute all music in-country or stays, worldwide. They have their own established networks.

As an Internet company, Napster company develops software, and everyone downloading, like if I  want to download a song, then I search on software, and the software tells me which peer has that song.

So I directly download that song from that peer’s computer. same as, if someone wants my song, then they can download it from my computer. (Blockchain Technology Investment)

Napster company destroyed the big studio power, those are middlemen of singers and customers, from this story, we know that the P2P system has the power to remove Middleman to removing middlemen called disintermediation.

Most of the time middlemen take advantage of producers and customers. they take lots of money from customers and give little to the singer.

Real money, is only made by middlemen.

Any industry acts like a middleman, on those things, reaching from producer to customer, they are digital. so this industry is called as peer to peer system and have.

Capability to destroy middleman. In the financial industry, the major part is, money is transferred from supplier to consumer. Money’s digitalization and P2P system can change the whole financial industry by remaining lots of middlemen.

So these things make excitement in Blockchain technology.

Disintermediation of the financial industry excites people. P2P group has the capability to maintain disintermediation to maintain P2P system integrity, we use blockchain.

let’s understand what is blockchain?

What is Blockchain:-Blockchain Technology Investment

Blockchain is a combination of technologies such as

  • software/algorithm ( record transaction)
  • Data structure ( store data in blog form )
  • Cryptography ( use the hash function, digital signature, and provide security)

used to maintain the integrity of the P2P system.

People called Blockchain a ledger you can understand. Blockchain is a distributed P2P system of ledgers that uses.

  • Software/algorithm ( Record transaction)
  • Data structure ( store data in block form)
  • Cryptography ( use hash function, digital signature)

to maintain its integrity.

Now we understand Blockchain is a Ledger and stores transaction data or story anything, so now we can decide, who gives to

Reading and writing access

Reading Access means: that the transaction is already in a register, and who can see who gives Reading access is depend on Transparency and privacy.

If reading access all over the world means anyone can see the registered transaction, the blockchain is public.

This means we need transparency

Bitcoin and Ethereum, blockchain is public. On the other side, only a few have reading access then Blockchain is private. (Blockchain Technology Investment)

e.g. any company develops its own Blockchain and any that companies employee has reading access.

Now, let’s see writing access.

Writing access means, in the register, who can upload transactions means we can create the block.

who gives the writing access, is dependent on Security and speed

If writing access has to all users, means anyone can create the block. so that’s a blockchain called Permissionless Blockchain.

In this blockchain, security is more important because, we can’t believe in anyone, to prove work, we can secure the blockchain.

Bitcoin and Ethereum Blockchain is permissionless

On the other side, only a few people have writing access & I believe on them then that blockchain is permission blockchain.

so in this speed is more important & don’t need proof of work. Because

we have people, that we can believe, can upload transactions in the register.

Most commercial application speed and scalability are more important, so

Permissioned blockchain, most companies used. and they give writing access to a specific department.

From this four versions of blockchain occurs.

  1. Public and Permissionless Blockchain
  2. Public and Permission Blockchain
  3. Private and Permissionless Blockchain
  4. Private and Permission blockchain

1) Public and permissionless blockchain:-

This blockchain talks about disturbing the world. Examples, are Bitcoin, Ethereum

The main use is for speculation

Wrong work happens in this blockchain-like, dark net, mainly for Rob’s public

Most of the public and permissionless blockchains fail if they stay like this.

  • anyone can join, read, write, and commit
  • Hosted on public servers
  • Anonymous, highly resilient
  • Low Scalability (Blockchain Technology Investment)

2)Public and Permission Blockchain:-

  • Anyone can join and read the transaction
  • Only authorized and Known participants can write and commit
  • they have the medium Scalability

3) Private and Permissionless blockchain:-

  • Only authorized participants can join, read and write
  • Hosted on private servers
  • High Scalability

4) Private and Permission Blockchain:-

  • Only authorized participants can join and read
  • Only the network operator can write and commit
  • Very high scalability

Use in a commercial context, in that companies process, automate, and standardize on streamlining

private or permission blockchain use on a large scale, in all industry

funny things is here,  the main goal of blockchain technology is to make public and decentralized and this form they mostly failed.

but successful in private and permission blockchains.

this is efficiently handled by the big complex process and companies get here powerful. to remove this person this technology developed, and now this technology makes them powerful.


Finally, Blockchain Technology changes the world like the Internet, but not like that when they start with their thinking.

In 1994, Tim Berner Lee has a vision of a Blockchain,

The Internet is decentralized open, universal, and nondiscriminating, but not the internet is not like that

FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, and Amazon-like tech giants control all.

In Blockchain, sure this thing happen

Because, there is no difference, in how much your technology is superior or how much pure your vision

the difference is, can you adopt this technology, without violating any law to succeed in this work,

the required money power and resources, they have only to government or tech giants.

This is all about Blockchain technology.

Crypto:- Is bitcoin really decentralized

Hello friends, in today’s article, we see the Crypto:- is bitcoin really Decentralized. so the aim of blockchain technology is to become a decentralized system of transactions, that no one can track, or hack. So let’s understand this bitcoin/blockchain technology control.

Previous Article on Bitcoin

Is Bitcoin Really Decentralized?:-

Lots of People say, Bitcoin is decentralized, so after reading this article, you can decide.

so let’s start

First, understand the what is the meaning of the centralized and decentralized system.

  1. In a centralized System:- Have full control in one center component. if you destroy the center components, then all system is shut down.
  2. A Decentralized system, Doesn’t have any central system. if you destroy 2-4 components, then other components run the whole system. (Crypto:- Is bitcoin really decentralized)

In Bitcoins, components called nodes

Nodes:- Nodes have Independently validated all transactions and updated the ledger/blockchain with new valid blocks

Miners are those special nodes

Minors:- Special nodes that bundle valid transactions into blocks to solve the hash puzzle and distribute the new blocks to other nodes.

Nodes and Miners have to download software on the computer to do the mining

that software is called Bitcoin Software, when you run the software, then you work as nodes. work is like checking whether transactions are valid or not.

So some of you as this question is there a home desktop computer that can do minings and get bitcoin by solving hash puzzles?

In 2009, bitcoin come, At that time normal computers also do the mining because very few people know about this, and hash puzzles have less difficulty when competition increases. (Crypto:- Is bitcoin really decentralized)

e,g, First people do mining with a knife, then some people buy a gun, and then some people buy a rifle and do mining, after this, some people buy a machine gun and do mining, and some people buy a tank and do mining.

so just like this, minor update, their hardware now a day bitcoin Hardware are ASICs (Application-specific Integrated Circuits)

Normal computers do lots of work at one time. but ASICs do only one work. and that work does a better way.

ASICs software, after this software no new update comes into the market.

Now a day also we use ASICs software for mining the bitcoin

So nowadays, lots of minors find, so for a person to solve a hash puzzle is difficult. to solve this problem, one concept come is Mining Pools.

Mining Pools means, lots of minors come together and start mining in groups. by using their hash Power and contributing to a mining pool.

by contributing hash power, to the mining pool then these groups’ hash power increases, and the chance of solving the hash puzzle is easy. (Crypto:- Is bitcoin really decentralized)

By solving the hash puzzle, the reward in form of bitcoin is distributed in groups, that give the hash power.

so this system works like this,

so come to our main question is, Is bitcoin really decentralized?

The answer is ya, Bitcoin is Decentralized,

there are no central components that control the system like a person or company. there are only 10,000 nodes available and anyone can become a Node.

rules endorsed in bitcoin software:- by design Bitcoin is decentralized but for some points comes as centralization

so let’s see what are the points,

  1. Bitcoin Software:- 97.5% of nodes use the Bitcoin core software (block system company developed) of 10,000 computers (nodes)  almost everyone uses this software. those who develop this situation got the fund from the Block system company. and also give employment.

By seeing this we can say the Block system controls the ” Bitcoin Core” software, bitcoin software used.

2) Mining Hardware:- 70-80% ASICs, made by Bitmain Company

so mining hardware also has centralization

3) Mining Pools:- Top 4 pools control = 50% Hash power

if the top 5 pools got together then they can attack the blockchain system called a 51% attack

In these 4 pools, 2 pools are owned by one company i.e. Bitmain

if their company decides to change, then bitcoin’s longest chain also changed. Mining pools also have centralization.

4) Chinese Control:- 70-80% of ASICs are made by a Chinese company.

80% of hashing power is controlled by Chinese pools.

You know the Chinese government, this government controls all companies. so this one side says, the Chinese government has centralization. (Crypto:- Is bitcoin really decentralized)

5) Few Nodes:- Blockchain size is 250 GB and growing at 50 GB per year.

In 2018, nodes do not increase in number, with only 10,000 nodes available. In the future may be nodes also go centralized.

Blockchain size is 250 GB and growing at 50GB per year, for blockchain storage facility required.

so when the blockchain, size increases, then small minors live the work of mining, and then only big companies do the mining over time.

Because, any person, in his computer space not give to that thing that gives any reward.

Lastly, in theory, Bitcoin is decentralized but in the real world, it’s centralized.

means not that much is decentralized and some points they go to centralized.

so, friends, this is all about the is that bitcoin is decentralized. (Crypto:- Is bitcoin really decentralized)

so now you can decide if is bitcoin decentralized or not.

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